Russell Crowe Swaps Sherwood for the Pub

My recent post on the making of Hollywood’s latest £110 million Robin Hood epic, created a great deal of interest. So here is the latest newspaper gossip on the filming of Sir Ridley Scott’s new blockbuster called Nottingham.

Filming has been taking place in Bourne Woods in Surrey, where Russell Crowe filmed the opening scenes of Gladiator in 2000, but now, the locals at Freshwater West, on the edge of the Pembrokeshire coast in Wales have never seen anything like it! Along their normally quiet, remote secluded beaches, amongst the sand dunes, have recently been heaps of dead crusaders, in bloodstained iron helmets, plumes of smoke and the fluttering of tasselled flags. A cast and crew of 800, including 450 local extras (on £80 a day) and 130 horses have arrived on the broad deep sands to film the latest scenes with Russell Crowe aged 45 as a ‘young’ Robin Hood fighting as an archer in Richard the Lionheart’s army.

According to various reports, out at sea, there have been seen four ancient longboats, packed with knights, brandishing crossbows and pikes. Beached beside the rocks, is a huge medieval galleon with its sails fluttering in the wind. Out of shot, there’s a speedboat, a dinghy, three jet skis, a pair of customised fishing boats and three enormous landing craft camouflaged in plywood.

Meanwhile towards the back of the set are seven tractors, 11 golf carts and approximately 33 4x4 vehicles all used to film a battle between the English and the French until the end of the month. ‘Fresh West’ beach, as the locals call the area, will double for scenes set in Dover and France.

Up on the cliff top, in the car park by the ice cream van, stands a tented city providing the props for the film making army and at the far end of the beach stand ranges of temporary stables. Further down are the sparkling white trailers and motor homes of all but the main star-Russell Crowe. He is flown in and out by helicopter on a daily basis from Windsor in Berkshire. Cate Blanchett (Maid Marian) is not required for the battle scenes.

Universal Pictures have injected £1 million pounds into the local area, which has already seen 50 days of filming by the crew of ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.’ Film companies have obviously realised what a marvellous location Freshwater West is and are benefiting from the usual tax breaks given to film making in Britain.

After a day’s filming ended, the locals reported that Crowe, born in New Zealand but raised in Australia, visited the Carew Inn, with a party of pals and delighted staff and patrons with his Everley Brothers renderings of Bye Bye Love and Wake Up Little Susie. He ate a meal of mussels and the chicken special and left a hefty tip!

He has also been seen recently enjoying himself at a private party for 30 guests at the Royal Oak pub in Bray, owned by Sir Michael Parkinson. Crowe arrived with his wife Danielle Spencer and a bottle of red wine, possibly a present for his hosts. The party was said to have continued late into the evening, with comedian Ben Elton roped in to serve as a waiter.

Movie Programme

This is another item kindly sent to me by Mike's from his collection of memorabilia from Walt Disney's Story of Robin Hood (1952). This is the original movie programme.

From Wanstead to the Wild West via Sherwood Forest.

I thought it would be a nice idea to get to know some of the regular visitors to this site. So here is an introduction to the co-founder of ‘The Whistling Arrows,’ Herne’s Son alias Mike. Mike has been a visitor since February 2009. He got in touch through a message about my blog on You Tube, which featured a video of Elton Hayes singing ‘Whistle My Love’ and Mike has made a valuable contribution to this web site ever since. Not only has he sent various wonderful stills from our favourite movie, but also a copy of his much cherished original poster advertising the film from 1952.

Mike said, “You could find no more dedicated fan of this film than me. Way back in 1952, I was a boy of 11, my friends and I followed this film from cinema to cinema as you could in those days. I lived in the East End of London and nearby was Wanstead Forest where we played at Robin Hood-magical times! I guess the film was my childhood! I know the script by heart too; I have several books, press books and many stills.

I managed to get a copy of the poster from the original release. Two years ago I sent Richard Todd a birthday card, I used the poster, he was very touched and very nice, and he told me that the forest scenes were filmed at Burnham Beeches near Slough.”

Mike is not only a talented artist (he intends to paint a picture of the home of Richard Todd), but also makes amateur Western movies with his mate Pete. Above is a fantastic still he sent me from his film, ‘Circle of Death.’

So a very big thank you goes out to Mike for his continued support to this web site. If you would like to share your memories of first seeing Walt Disney’s Story of Robin Hood, or are generally interested in the legend, please get in touch at

To become a distinguished member of The Whistling Arrows and receive a unique copy of Joan Rice at the World Premier of Robin Hood, please answer the ten questions that can be found on this blog under the Label ‘The Whistling Arrows’ or in the guest book.

Famous Quotes From Walt Disney

As we approach the 4th July, I would like to share with you, some of my favourite quotes from the producer of The Story of Robin Hood (1952) and one of America’s greatest sons - Mr Walt Disney:

“There is more treasure in books than in the entire pirate's loot on Treasure Island.”

“If you can dream it, you can do it.”

“All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles have strengthened me... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.”

"All our dreams can come true...if we have the courage to pursue them.”

“It's kind of fun to do the impossible.”

“When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable.”

“If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember that this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse.”

“When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do.”

“All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.”

“Too many people grow up. That's the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up. They forget. They don't remember what it's like to be 12 years old. They patronize, they treat children as inferiors. Well I won't do that.”

What an amazing man! He would be the first of my guests to a fantasy dinner party. I would have loved to have met him.

A very Happy Fourth of July to all my American visitors!

Chuck Jones Artwork

I fancied some light relief after a fortnight of computer problems. So here's some classic artwork from the master of animation, Chuck Jones (1912-2002). Jones brought to life 300 cartoon films for Warner Brothers and during his career gained three Oscars and an Honoury Oscar for lifetime achievement.

Above are two of his wonderful Loony Tunes creations, Porky Pig as Friar Tuck and Daffy Duck as Robin Hood taken from Robin Hood Daffy, which was released on 3rd August 1958

My computer is now thankfully sorted out!

Fairbanks's $250,000 Castle

This is Nottingham Castle, built by 500 construction workers for Douglas Fairbanks's Robin Hood (1922). On his return to the film set, after a visit to New York, Fairbanks asked if the castle was "big enough to look realistic," but he was not prepared for the gargantuan 90-foot edifice, covering 10 acres-the biggest see ever built in Hollywood, that awaited him!
As he approached the massive film set, he shook his head in disbelief, saying that his character-Robin Hood-would be swallowed up by such a monstrosity. He immediately canceled the production.

It took a lot of persuading by the producer Allan Dwan, to convince Fairbanks that he could use the gigantic scenery to his advantage.

Players Tom Thumb Cigarette Card

I was pleasantly surprised to see this on Ebay recently.

It is a Players 'Tom Thumb Cigarette Card' depicting Robin Hood. The artist was obviously impressed by Walt Disney's film version of the legend and decided to base his illustration on Richard Todd's portrayal of the noble outlaw. The artist must have had very good taste and a lot of talent. I wonder if any of the other characters from the film were used.

If you know of any more, please get in touch at

Jonas Armstrong Meets Some Ghosts

With more twists and turns than any of the paths through old Sherwood Forest, the third series of the BBC’s Robin Hood is reaching its conclusion over the next few weeks. The average audience of approximately 3.24m in the U.K. will not only see the dramatic siege of the village of Loxley but the return of King Richard to rally his forces against his scheming brother, Prince John.

Amidst the bombardment of Byzantine fireballs at Nottingham Castle, fans of the series will also witness the ‘real’ Sheriff of Nottingham (Keith Allen) return from the dead with his well equipped army and a pledge to finish-off Robin Hood (Jonas Armstrong) once and for all.

This is just one of a whole quiver-full of surprises that viewers will be treated to, in the finale of this rather disjointed and unpredictable take on the medieval story. The BBC are desperately trying to keep the last episodes of this series a close-guarded secret, but it is already common knowledge that Jonas Armstrong who plays Robin Hood will leave the show after three years. It is also believed that another ghost from Robin’s past-Maid Marian-played by Lucy Griffiths will also make a surprise return for the finale.
To read more about the BBC’s Robin Hood series and a whole lot more, I recommend

Are you a fan of the series? Please let me know what you think of this modern take on the ancient legend.

The Robin Hood Ballads

The way was long,
The wind was cold,
The minstrel was infirm and old,
His harp, his sole remaining joy,
Was carried by an orphan boy.

One of regular visitors to this site, Adele Treskillard is a modern day minstrel and author who sings with her group, known as Wren’s Song She has a keen interest in Robin Hood research, particularly with the evolution of those early medieval ballads about the outlaw and we have had long discussions vie email about their content. So I have decided to post an article I did for a Robin Hood Forum many years ago about the ballads concerning his exploits and the many other forgotten outlaw tales.

From our warm, centrally heated and double glazed homes, it is almost impossible to imagine what life was like for our medieval ancestors. On those dark, freezing cold evenings there was no doubt very often little to do except talk around the fire or sleep. So the minstrels (from ‘ministralis’ meaning dependant) who were kept by the great landlords must have sometimes been treated like our ‘pop’ stars of today.

Merry it is in halle to hear the harpe,
The minstrelles synge,
The jongleurs carpe.

Their ballads can be best described rather like modern day ‘soap operas’. These ‘talkyngs’ held the beliefs and aspirations of those who told the story and were created to entertain. This is important to remember. Like our modern day ‘soaps’, they did not survive if they were not popular. When the minstrel told how Robin hanged the sheriff or cut him in pieces, they were not describing a historical event, but we can be sure they were the vain dreams of many men gathered around the fire.

The violence of those early Robin Hood ballads is ruthless:

John smote off the munkis hed,
No longer wolde he dwell;
So did Much the litull page,
Ffor ferd lest he wolde tell.

And could you imaging Hollywood allowing Errol Flynn to do this to Basil Rathbone?
He tooke Sir Guy’s head by the hayre,
And sticked itt on his bowes end:
‘Thou has beene traytor all thy life,
Which thing must have an ende.’

Robin pulled forth an Irish knife,
And nicked Sir Guy in the fface,
That he was never on a woman borne
Cold tell who Sir Guye was.

That is not the Robin Hood I grew up reading about. Little John even shoots the sheriff in the back!
But he cold neither soe fast goe,
Not away soe fast runn,
But Litle John, with an arrow broade,
Did cleave his heart in twin.

Like many Robin Hood enthusiasts, I try to pull those early ballads apart, scrutinize the names and try to fix them into a historical context. But, by the time the existing ballads of Robin Hood came to be written down, the outlaw hero was already a figure of traditional narrative.

His world seems to be of the later Middle Ages, but he doesn’t seem to belong to any particular year or event. He has no ancestry, he remains impersonal and illusive and perhaps this is the key as to why his popularity has lasted for eight centuries. Robin’s legend is unique, because it exists without its text. His story can be manipulated to become anything, from a yeoman, disinherited nobleman, or a native Saxon fighting evil Normans.

So what evidence is there to suggest he ever lived? No one ever said they saw or knew him. No surviving chronicles exist that prove he existed. The early chroniclers-centuries later- only seem to use references from the ballads. So we come back to the work of those minstrels and entertainers for any evidence. But did the audiences of those early Robin Hood ballads, in their wealthy household, or market place or tavern, even care if this outlaw ever lived?

Whoever wants to hear more must open his purse.
My biggest disappointment, when I first started reading about the Robin Hood legend, was to discover how much of his story appears to have been ‘borrowed’ from other outlaw ballads. This led Professor Francis Child (1825-96) the great American Philologist, in his monumental ‘English and Scottish Popular Ballads’ to describe our hero as ‘absolutely a creation of ballad muse.’
There is indeed striking similarities between the stories of Robin Hood and the ballad heroes of an earlier date. The legend of Fulk Fitzwarin survives in a single manuscript, probably of the reign of Edward I (1239-1307) and contains at least two almost identical stories that later appear in the 15th Century ‘Geste of Robyn Hode’. Fulk’s brother John confronts ten merchants and the truthfulness of their answers determines whether or not they keep their goods.

In the ‘Geste of Robyn Hode’, Little John and Much stop the two monks and do the same. Later on Fulk Fitzwarin and his men ambush King John in Windsor Forest, where the King begs for mercy and swears to restore to Fulk his entire inheritance. In the ‘Geste’ King John’s role is played by the Sheriff of Nottingham, otherwise the story is substantially the same.

The tale of the Saxon outlaw known as Hereward and the Potter is almost identical to the ballad ‘Robin Hood and the Potter.’ The only difference is that William the Conqueror has become the Sheriff of Nottingham. This story-line also appears in the 13th Century ballad of ‘Eustace the Monk’ (c.1170-1217) who also flourished during the reign of King John. Eustace lives in the forest with a band of men and through many disguises the outlaw manages to trick and ridicule the Count of Bologne and lure him into the forest, where he is ambushed but eventually freed. Victims are brought to Eustace’s camp and asked how much they carry. If they tell the truth they are allowed to keep it, if not the outlaws keep the difference.
Sound familiar?

Always in these outlaw legends the champion of justice is the master outlaw. In the ‘Tale of Gamelyn,’ probably written about the middle of the fourteenth century we have the familiar outlaw code:
Whil Gamelyn was outlawed, had he no cors:
There was no man for him ferde the wors.
But abbots and priouris, monk and chanoun.

The audiences of the middle ages seemed to thoroughly enjoy stories of concealment and trickery. Fulk disguises himself as an old monk, a merchant and a charcoal burner. Hereward is disguised as a potter and a fisherman. Eustace the Monk wears the clothes of a potter, shepherd, pilgrim, charcoal burner, woman, leper, carpenter and minstrel. William Wallace became a potter, pilgrim a woman (twice) and a beggar. Robin Hood dressed up as a potter, butcher, beggar, shepherd, old woman, fisherman, Guy of Gisborne etc. These became the stock-in-trade tales of those early entertainers.

Some of the Robin Hood ballads seem to have changed very little and probably remain close to their medieval originals, others are not. Out of thirty-eight poems and songs published by Francis Child between the years 1882-1898 only five surviving ballads and a fragment of a play about Robin Hood seem to originate from the middle ages.

So for me, starting out on my historical quest for the ‘real’ outlaw Robin Hood, this was all a crushing blow. How much of his legend has even a grain of historical truth? Even the story of the firing of his last arrow seems to have been lifted from ancient mythology. The search was going to be a lot harder than I thought!

So my look back at the early outlaw ballads was a reality check. But I have continued my quest for the truth behind the legend of Robin Hood. It has opened up many doors into various aspects of the rich tapestry of our nation’s history. On this web site I will continue to post about the Robin Hood Places, Robin Hood History and of course the Robin Hood Ballads. But it must never be forgotten that it was those many mysterious, anonymous, often-illiterate minstrels and entertainers; the touring ‘pop stars’ of their time, that first spawned the countless incarnations of the legend that we know today.

I will finish with a proverb from c.1400-25 that is a warning to all those who join with me, through this web site, on the long and winding trail of the greenwood outlaw:
For mani, manime seith, spekith of Robyn Hood that schotte never in his bowe.Please click on the Labels Robin Hood Places, Robin Hood Ballads and Robin Hood History for more information.