Throughout his time in Lincolnshire the legendary film star and war veteran worked for charities such as Age Concern and raised huge sums for his talks at local events. Richard was a patron of Share The Care and St. Barnabas Hospice and was actively involved in military commemorations with The British Legion and Normandy Veterans’Association.
What can I say that hasn’t been said about him across the Internet and around the media since the great man’s death. This blog will certainly keep his memory alive with articles and pictures of his fascinating career. Today I would like to include an article from a Richard Todd tribute site from Ellen in the USA which very kindly also gives this blog a mention:

Richard Todd
"I was born a week before D-Day and my childhood was full of the same Richard Todd movies. I first saw him (as Robin Hood) on the big screen at the age of eight, and it was truly love at first sight. He was the only movie star I ever loved -- for years, when I was young, I would look through the movie section of the TV guide every week, hoping to find one of his movies. The Robin Hood movie (http://disneysrobin.blogspot.com/ (ed. note: just checked out that page and there is a very moving obituary and wonderful pictures)) was and still is my favorite. Richard Todd was a HUGE presence in my life.
I was constantly looking for pictures of him and information about his life, which were almost impossible to find over here. How can I say what he meant to me? I not only adored him, he was the very embodiment of everything a man should be (I felt) and his "presence" was enormously comforting to me in a world that seemed to grow more insane with every passing year as I grew out of childhood.
About ten years ago, I was glad to read in his autobiography of his real-life reaction to the drugged-out decadent and dirty hippies he encountered in SF in 1967. About that same time on the other coast of the USA, I was having a similar reaction to similar hordes who suddenly popped up everywhere in Cambridge Mass. That I immediately got out of there in active search of something (and someone) solid and good and wholesome had a great deal to do with Richard Todd and all he had meant to me. He embodied THE GOOD WORLD where people behaved nobly and honorably and lived simple decent dignified lives. Reading mostly between the lines of his two volumes of autobiography -- Caught in the Act and In Camera, very intelligent & well-written, which everyone who loves him should search out and read -- I gather that he was not a saint and like anyone had his faults and failings. Nevertheless, I think that Richard Todd really was in some deep authentic way everything that I thought he was when I was a starry-eyed little kid. Ever since his movies became available on video, I bought them all and watched most of them several times, some many times. The few nasty, weak, or decadent roles he played seem cast against type, whereas high ideals and true gentlemanly character still shine through his many heroic roles.
No wonder he inspired me to do better all my life and even helped me to marry well! I so wish I could have met him, but it changed my life just to see him and love what I saw. That there is no one like him to inspire today's children is very sad indeed.
- Ellen USA "
Ellen, please get in touch, it would be great to hear from you!
Richard Todd's Former Home at Little Humby, Lincolnshire, England.
Richard Todd (1919-2009)
Walt Disney's Story of Robin Hood and his Merrie Men (1952)
What a wonderful and touching tribute to Richard Todd from Ellen of the USA. There is a similar tribute from an actress on the IMDB site about how he inspired her to go into acting and her admiration for him as an actor and person. How proud he would be to know the influence he has had on these peoples lives. On the subject of Mike's photographs from Little Humby, I knew he was going to visit and possibly do a painting. However these pictures show what a lovely place it is in the Lincolnshire countryside. I have a friend who lives in Grantham who says that Richard Todd could be seen quite often in the town right up to a few weeks before he died. He said that he still drove himself into town and was well known there where he had lived for the last 35 years or so.
I have seen some of Mike's paintings and he is certainly has a lot of talent. I am sure he would have made a great job of the picture of RIchard's house.
There is a great deal of interest around the web for this site, so I do hope visitors like Ellen get in touch. "More the Merrier," as Will Scarlet once said.
I believe he is buried in the family vault in Great Ponton but am struggling to find it. I will try to find it and let you know, perhaps post some photographs of his final resting place.
I have lived around Grantham for years and have passed Richard Todd in town a few times years ago.
I never new he lived in Little Humby!!
But did know helived for many years in Little Ponton and understood he was buried in Little Ponton churchyard.
I hope this may help your research.
We saw Richard Todd in the George of Stamford at lunchtime one day. He was in the main sitting room near the window but was unaccompanied. He was very smartly dressed so I suspect he was going to eat there too.
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