Robin Hood Jig Saw Puzzle No.1

Back in March, Neil discovered three jigsaw puzzles from Walt Disney’s Story of Robin Hood. At the time we discussed the beautiful artwork and wondered who the artist was who painted these exquisite pictures. Well, I am pleased to say that Laurence has recently sent me yet another example of these 58 year old puzzles and an answer to our question!

Laurence said:

“I was just having a quick peep at your site and saw the images of three of the puzzles that were issued as a tie-in with the film. I thought you might like an image of the No. 1 in the series, Also, for your information, the artist for the artwork on the boxes and the puzzles themselves was Arnold Beauvais (1886-1982) who also illustrated the film tie-in book, which I am sure you are familiar with.

He also illustrated the film books for Disney's Treasure Island and Rob Roy, The Highland Rogue.”

Laurence has also very kindly sent me some information on the life of Arnold Beauvais, which I will post at a later date.

To see more memorabilia from Walt Disney's Story of Robin Hood and his Merrie Men, please click on the Label Memorabilia below.


  1. "Robin Hood Jig Saw Puzzle No.1"
    Arnold Beauvais (1886-1982)

  2. Good stuff,at last we know the artist.i really wish i had spotted these years ago, i guess Mum would not have been able to afford them, my dad had passed in 1951, so she was on her own with 2 boys, seeing the film was our treat.

  3. I'm so glad you liked "Hood!"
    I really, really enjoyed them - the idea that they originated in Wales was fascinating, I thought.
    Each book in the trilogy is consecutively better than the one before it, so look forward to them! Scarlett is fantastic, and Tuck - well, Tuck was AWESOME.
    ~ Mirriam
    (The library doesn't have Hodd... *sob*)

  4. It is interesting to find out something about this artist Arnold Beauvais (1886-1982)- at least he had a good long life lasting 96 years. Looking him up further he certainly seems to be a famous and now sought after painter and he also produced some of Walt Disney's posters - One I know of for Cinderella - as well as the books he illustrated. It would be good to find some kind of biography of the man whose life spanned from Victorian times into the modern era.
