The Ribald Tales of Robin Hood
This beautiful Japanese poster caught my eye the other day. It is advertising The Ribald Tales of Robin Hood, which was released in the USA in October 1969. Unfortunately the quality of the art work is not reflected in the movie, which describes itself as the erotic and exotic story of Robin Hood and his merry men and women. The reason, it states that, everyone is so merry, is they spend the live-long day engaging in their favourite sexual experiences.The film was directed by Richard Kanter and starred Ralph Jenkins as Robin Hood, Dee Lockwood as Marian, Bambi Allen as Polly and C.S. Poole as the Sheriff.
The American poster claimed:“From Gutsy, Grabby 11th Century England...An Area and Era of Unparalleled Earthiness comes the Uncut, Uncloaked version of one of Anglo-Saxondom’s Best Loved Tales.”
Definitely un-Disney!
The Ribald Tales of Robin Hood
USA 1969
Robin Hood Films
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