Italian Poster

We now have a wide variety of  different posters and lobby cards from around the world, promoting Walt Disney's Story of Robin Hood and his Merrie Men (1952) on this site. Above is an Italian poster from the 1950's. To see the others please click here.


  1. Italian Poster (circa 1952)

    Walt Disney's Story of Robin Hood (1952)


    Lobby Cards

  2. I can't say I like this poster so much but that may be that it does seem to have a continental style that maybe doesn't sit well with this typically English film.
    I wonder how many copies of the film were distributed in those days to take it all round the world. I have a 16mm print of much of the film although I know there were 35 mm prints too - the last time it was shown the TV company had used the original 35mm film as opposed to the DVD version and the quality was superb - as new.

  3. Yes I remember the recent TV showing and was amazed at the beautiful quality of the colour. Which begs the question why Disney Organisation released such a grainy version for their video and DVD copies??

  4. I think if Walt himself had been alive the film would have been issued in top condition because I have the feeling that with Treasure Island and The Story of Robin Hood, these were his pet projects. He came over to Denham whilst both were in production as we know and also as we know, these live action films were a new move for him and they just had to be right - and they were too ! They were expensive films to make and it showed even down to some of the costumes. Hubert Gregg who plyaed Prince John, remarked about this in his autbiography and that he had up to then never witnessed such a lavish production.

  5. Sorry rather than 'Anonymous' this should have been signed - Neil.
    I missed the button somehow
