An Italian Poster

This Italian poster promoting Walt Disney’s Story of Robin Hood (1952) appeared on Ebay recently. In my opinion it has inferior artwork compared to the many that we have collected on here, but it is interesting none the less. It seems to date from the original release of the movie; although it’s heading ‘Ottobre’ (October) does not fit with IMDb’s date for its release in Italy (6th November 1952).

There is no mention of Peter Finch - and Joan Rice appears with Richard Todd as the headline stars, which does suggest that the poster was produced for the film’s early release in 1952. Also Friar Tuck (James Hayterappears as the prominent character in the artwork, which is unusual. 

What do you think?


  1. Sorry for the late posting this week, but I have had terrible trouble with Google Blogger.

    An Italian Poster

  2. This would seem to be the 1952 release because of the billing. I have to say that Richard Todd and Joan Rice to me ARE the two stars of the film. I think Peter Finch's name was promoted later following the fame he had achieved. The artwork doesn't look good and seems to miss the colour that helped make this film what it is. A worldwide release in those days was really something - wonder if it was dubbed or had sub-titles. I would guess the latter.

  3. One thing to consider is that not all of the characters that are most popular here are as popular in other countries. Could be that Tuck is more popular than others due to the Catholic religious ties....? Hence Tuck gets higher billing than other characters that might not have a direct equivalent in other societis.

    Food for thought.....

  4. Thanks Neil and Albie.

    Neil: I presume it must have had sub titles and the poster certainly does point to its release in the early 1950's. Although the October heading remains a mystery.

    Albie: That's a very interesting point about Tuck's Catholic roots. It would be fascinating to research the appeal around the globe of various characters from the legend.

  5. I could ask some of the staff here at my hotel in Malaysia if you'd like. Asked some of my trainees last week and though some didn't know about Nottingham or Robin Hood most knew of Sherwood Forest.... I'll leave that one with you......

  6. Strange that only some knew of Robin, but most of Sherwood. I would have thought it would have been the other way around!!

    Thanks Albie, I know your very busy, but if you do get a chance to do a quick survey of popular characters from the legend, it would be much appreciated.

  7. Since we have seen posters from the world over advertising the film and we know of its worldwide release, it seems that in the far off days of 1952 Robin Hood was known pretty well everywhere. The old english legends tend to have travelled well. Anyway maybe Albie will be able to convert those out there who are not familiar with the story

  8. So, answers to my brief survey on the above are, people in order of importance followed by places associated with the legend.....

    Person 1:-

    Marian, Little John...

    Sherwood, Barnsdale

    Person 2:-

    Sherrif of Notts, Merry Men, Little John

    Sherwood, Loxley

    Person 3:-

    Robin, little John, Marion Prince John, King Richard....

    Nottinghood Forest, Black Forest, Sherwood

    Totally un-scientific and only 3 people so far. Hope to get more before I fly home on Monday.

  9. Thanks Albie!

    Interesting to see only Little John and Sherwood appear in all three.
