Japanese Poster

This absolutely stunning Japanese poster was sent in by Mike recently. It seems to date from the time of the Story of Robin Hood’s original release in Japan in January 1955.  The lettering and imagery are balanced so well and create a beautiful work of art. Once again we have been treated to yet another view of rare Disney memorabilia from the film.


  1. "Japanese Poster"
    Possibly from January 1955

    Special thanks to Mike.

  2. Interesting too from the angle that we have always wondered what the other film was on the bill when The Story of Robin Hood was released in England. We still don't know of course but in Japan it looks from Mike's Poster as though it was Seal Island

  3. Its really frustrating Neil, just cant seem to find out what was with it on its British release!

  4. It was on the same bill as Lady and the tramp although the latter was 1955, so at the moment it remains unsolved.

  5. That may have been the case, Mike, on the later release but in 1952 it wasn't Lady and the Tramp. I have a feeling that at that time RKO released with a wild life theme and maybe it was Seal Island or maybe that was with Treasure Island. I seem to remember Kon Tiki may have been on the go and on checking that was release in 1951. Mention of Lady and the Tramp leads me to digress further - that was a Cinemascope film and the process of wide screen came in very shortly after 1952. Wouldnt it have been great to see Story of Robin Hood in Cinemascope. It could have filled that wide screen so well in its beautiful Technocolor.

  6. All i remember is that whenever i saw Robin hood there was a Disney classic showing with it , possibly Cinderella, this made for the perfect double bill. the best of both worlds. as you say Neil Robin hood in Cinamascope would have been fantastic.
